"WALKING THE CITY," a group show featuring the work of Jean-Michel Berts, Bruno Bertrand-Frezoul, Ronan Guillou and Wolfram Ruoff, will be on view at Sous Les Etoiles Gallery from June 25 through August 31, 2012.
Images exhibited examine urban spaces through lyrical and dynamic means. The photographs featured in this exhibition capture the vistas of diverse cities such as Paris, New York and Tokyo. The artists' varying techniques each draws on the atmosphere of the urban environment.
Bruno Bertrand-Frezoul's silver gelatin prints are enhanced by his darkroom techniques of burning, painting and scratching his negatives. In his photographs of New York, the evidence of his handiwork reflects the grittiness of New York City.
Wolfram Ruoff, previously an architect, works with an abstraction of 2D imagery, expressing light and depth with the straightness of a technical line. The inhabitants of his photographs inhabit cities made of lines and edges.
Catching places, cities and glances, Ronan Guillou records moments of ordinary life with affection during his walks. Influenced by cinematic environments, cities, and the people who animate them, form the basis of his approach to photography.
The ethereal photographs of Jean-Michel Berts remind us of the grandeur of civilizations. The abstraction of characters makes it possible to move human construction forward and thus reanimate its timelessness.