60.14.2004 1-12.2/12, 2004
Chromogenic Print - Colored light on Paper
16 x 16 in.
60.14.2004 1-12.4/12, 2004
Chromogenic Print - Colored light on Paper
16 x 16 in.
30.11.2003, 2003
Chromogenic Print - Colored light on Paper
15 x 15 in.
30.11.2003, 2003
Chromogenic Print - Colored light on Paper
15 x 15 in.
Series 13.1-12/1. 1985, 1985
Ensemble of 12 Chromogenic Print - Colored light on PE-Paper
16 x 12 in.
Mechanical Optic serie 9.2.a.1971
(Part of a Unique Triptych)
Color Film on Baryte Paper, 1971
11 x 11 in.
Mechanical Optic serie 9.2.c.1971
(Part of a Unique Triptych)
Color Film on Baryte Paper, 1971
11 x 11 in.
Mechanical Optic serie 9.2.b.1971
(Part of a Unique Triptych)
Color Film on Baryte Paper, 1971
11 x 11 in.
Mechanical Optic Serie11 1971/1973
Color Film on Baryte Paper
20 x 16 in.
Mechanical Optic Serie 14.1.1974, 1974
COlor Fim on Baryte Paper
20 x 16 in.
Photo Montage #27, 2008
Archival Pigment Print
24 x 24 in.
Ed. of 5
Photo Montage #27, 2008
Archival Pigment Print
24 x 24 in.
Ed. of 5
Photo Montage #35, 2008
Archival Pigment Print
24 x 24 in.
Ed. of 5
Photo Montage #41, 2008
Archival Pigment Print
24 x 24 in.
Ed. of 5
Photo Montage #35, 2008
Archival Pigment Print
24 x 24 in.
Ed. of 5
Photo Montage #42, 2008
Archival Pigment Print
24 x 24 in.
Ed. of 5
Lichtmalerei 30.11.2003
14.3 x 14.3 in.
Lichtmalerei 30.11.2003
14.3 x 14.3 in.
Lichtmalerei 200.4.2005-2008, 2008
31.5 x 24 in.
Edition of 5
Karl Martin Holzhäuser, b. 1944 in Germany, is one of the earliest champions of Concrete Photography. Today, Holzhäuser has returned to the roots of his chosen artistic medium, creating a new genre in the field of cameraless photography that combines the stringency of premeditated instructions with elements of calculated chance. Calling this work “Lichtmalerei” or “painting with light,” Holzhäuser works completely in the dark, following a predevised “score” of the movement of light from memory, and allowing for extemporaneous adjustments by hand.
The Peter C. Ruppert Collection, Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg
Museum für Kunst und Geschichte, Freiburg
Photographic Collection of the City of Leinfelden
Photographic Collection of the City of Detmold
The Artothek Kunstverein, Bielefeld
Marburger Kunstverein, Marburg
Schupmann Collection